C‑148/13, C‑149/13 and C‑150/13, CJEU, 02/12/2014

Minimum standards for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status — Fear of persecution on grounds of sexual orientation — Differences between, on the one hand, the limitations that apply to the verification of statements and documentary or other evidence as regards the declared sexual orientation of an applicant for asylum and, on the other hand, those that apply to the verification of those elements as regards other grounds for persecution

Judge Rapporteur: L. Bay Larsen

C‑199/12, C‑200/12 and C‑201/12, CJEU, 07/12/2013

Minimum standards relating to the conditions for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status – Well-founded fear of being persecuted on account of membership of a particular social group – Acts sufficiently serious to justify such a fear, legislation criminalising homosexual acts

Judge Rapporteur: L. Bay Larsen

C‑401/11, CJEU, 11/04/2013

Transferor not less than 55 years old but not yet of normal retirement age at the time of transfer – Concept of ‘normal retirement age’, national legislation determining a retirement age which varies depending on the sex of the applicant and, for women, on the number of children raised – General principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: G. Arestis

C‑7/12, CJEU, 20/06/2013

Directive 76/207/EEC, equal treatment for male and female workers & Directive 96/34/EC – Framework Agreement on Parental Leave – Abolishment of officials’ posts due to national economic difficulties, assessment of a female worker who took parental leave as compared to workers who remained in active service – Dismissal at the end of parental leave, indirect discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

X and Others v. Austria, ECtHR, 19010/07, 19/2/2013 [GC]

Impossibility of second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple - Government's failure to provide convincing reasons for the exclusion second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple, while allowing that possibility in an unmarried different-sex couple, deemed necessary for the protection of the family in the traditional sense or for the protection of the interests of the child, amounts to discrimination

Dissenting / Concurring: Josep Casadevall, Ineta Ziemele, Anatoly Kovler, Danutė Jočienė, Ján Šikuta, Vincent A. De Gaetano, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos / Dean Spielmann

I.G. and Others v. Slovakia, ECtHR, 15966/04, 13/11/2012

Violation of Article 3 (treatment and investigation) and Article 8 - The case concerned three women of Roma origin who complained in particular that they had been sterilised without their full and informed consent, that the authorities’ ensuing investigation into their sterilisation had not been thorough, fair or effective and that their ethnic origin had played a decisive role in their sterilisation

N.B. v. Slovakia, ECtHR, 29518/10, 12/06/2012

The applicant claimed she suffered inhumane and degrading treatment, negative impacts on her private and family life, and discrimination based on sex and ethnic origin due to the lack of effective anti-discrimination laws in Slovakia at the time of her sterilization - The Court held that the applicant's rights under Article 3 were violated, and that the State's failure to provide sufficient legal protections for the reproductive health of Roma women violated Article 8

C-147/08, CJEU, 10/05/2011

Occupational pension scheme in the form of a supplementary retirement pension for former employees of a local authority and their survivors – Method of calculating that pension favouring married recipients over those living in a registered life partnership – Discrimination based on sexual orientation

Judge Rapporteur: D. Šváby