143/2024, CC, 03/07/2024
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2024

Judicial correction of the assigned gender – Possibility to assign a ‘third gender’ other than male or female gender – Alleged violation of the principle of equality, the right to personal identity, the right to health and the right to private and family life

66/2024, CC, 22/02/2024
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2024

Civil partnership – Automatic dissolution of civil partnership in case of judicial correction of one party’s assigned gender – The judge suspends the effects of the civil partnership until the celebration of the marriage and, in any case, not later than one hundred and eighty days from res judicata of the gender rectification judgment, if the two parties express, personally and jointly, their intention to marry until the required hearing

4398, CSC, 19/02/2024
Court: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
 | 2024

Same-sex couple – Recognition of child’s born by surrogacy birth certificate – Biological mother and intended mother’s separation

Hanovs v. Latvia, ECtHR, 40861/22, 18/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 3 and Article 8 + Article 14 (Positive obligations, Effective investigation, and Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation) - Failure to adequately protect the applicant from a homophobic attack by ensuring the effective prosecution of the perpetrator and prosecuting the attack as a hate-motivated offence

M. A. and Others v. France, ECtHR, 63664/19, 64450/19, 24387/20, 24391/20, 24393/20, 25/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Article 8 - General and absolute criminalisation of the purchase of sexual acts as part of a comprehensive legislative framework to combat prostitution and human trafficking

Mitrevska v. North Macedonia, ECtHR, 20949/21, 14/05/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 8 (positive obligations and private life) - Inability of the applicant, who was adopted as a child, to obtain information concerning her biological origins and health information about her biological parents - Failure to strike a balance between the competing interests at stake