Barbosa de Souza and Others v. Brazil, IACtHR, Series C No. 435, 7/09/2021

Killing of a young African descent woman and impunity of the perpetrator due a broad application of the parliamentary immunity - Gender stereotypes employed by domestic authorities to the detriment of the victim - Violation of the right to equality before the law, to judicial protection, and to be free from discrimination

Bedoya Lima and Others v. Colombia, IACtHR, Series C No. 431, 26/08/2021

Verbal, physical and sexual violence committed against a female journalist in the context of a kidnapping by a paramilitary group - Violation of the right to judicial protection, to dignity, to freedom of thought and expression, to personal integrity, to equal protection before the law - Lack of due diligence due to discriminatory attitudes towards the victim in the course of the investigations

Maidanik and Others v. Uruguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 444, 15/11/2021

Extrajudicial killing of two women and forced disappearance of two men - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to personal integrity and to judicial protection

Dissenting / Concurring: Sexual violence, discrimination against women, ineffective investigations, disappearance

Fernández Ortega and Others v. Mexico, IACtHR, Series C No. 215, 30/08/2010

Torture and rape of an indigenous woman by military personnel - State's failure to comply with due diligence to investigate and punish the perpetrators - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to personal integrity, dignity, to private life, to judicial protection and to an effective remedy

Dissenting / Concurring: Espinosa