Hanovs v. Latvia, ECtHR, 40861/22, 18/07/2024

Violation of Article 3 and Article 8 + Article 14 (Positive obligations, Effective investigation, and Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation) - Failure to adequately protect the applicant from a homophobic attack by ensuring the effective prosecution of the perpetrator and prosecuting the attack as a hate-motivated offence

W.W. v. Poland, ECtHR, 31842/20, 11/07/2024

Violation of Article 8 (Private life) - Refusal to allow transgender person to continue hormone therapy in prison - Applicant particularly vulnerable as an imprisoned transgender person undergoing a gender reassignment procedure, thus requiring enhanced protection from the authorities

Dissenting / Concurring: Krzysztof Wojtyczek

C‑356/21, CJEU, 12/01/2023

Equal treatment in employment and occupation, conditions for access to self-employment, employment and working conditions – Prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation – Self-employed person working on the basis of a contract for specific work, termination and non-renewal of contract, freedom to choose a contracting party

Judge Rapporteur: M.L. Arastey Sahún

Members of the Journalism Team of 'La Costeñísima' Radio regarding Nicaragua, IACtHR, Order , 22/3/2023

Provisional measures - Context of systemic violations of human rights including aggressions, harassment, threats and arbitrary detentions of journalists - Violence and exposure to risk of irreparable damage for women exacerbated by gender stereotypes and prejudices 


Olivera Fuentes v. Peru, IACtHR, Series C No. 484, 4/02/2023

Store manager's request to a homosexual couple to stop 'amorous scenes' and attempt to remove them forcibly - Use of homophobic stereotypes in domestic rulings including that homosexuality is a pathology and that queer expressions of affection are always erotic – Domestic court’s justification of the ejection of the couple based on 'respect for morality' and 'the best interest of the child' in the light of a purported scientific consensus on the consequences of the exposure of children to homosexual behaviour – Violation of the right to personal liberty, privacy and equality befor

Semenya v. Switzerland, ECtHR, 10934/21, 11/07/2023

South African intersex female professional athlete excluded from competing in female athletic events due to her naturally elevated testosterone levels following the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s ruling on her infringement of the Worlds Athletics’ Differences of Sex Development Regulations providing for either the suppression of testosterone levels or the exclusion from the category – Violation of the right to non-discrimination in conjunction with the right to respect for private life, and the right to an effective remedy

Dissenting / Concurring: Pavli / Serghides / Grozev, Roosma, Ktistakis

C‑2/21, CJEU, 24/06/2022

Birth certificate issued by the Member State of birth of the child and designating two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to transcribe that birth certificate into the national register of civil status – Transcription of that certificate being a prerequisite for the issuing of identity documents, national legislation of that Member State of origin not recognising the parenthood of persons of the same sex

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

C-490/20, CJEU, 14/12/2021

Birth certificate issued by that Member State mentioning two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to issue a birth certificate for the child in the absence of information as to the identity of the child’s biological mother – Persons of the same sex not recognised as parents under the national legislation of that Member State of origin

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

Vicky Hernández et al. v. Honduras, IACtHR, Series C No. 422, 26/3/2021

State's failure to conduct effective investigations into the murder of a sex-worker and trans woman because of her gender identity and expression – Ineffective investigation into gender-based violence relying on prejudices against the trans community amounts to a violation of the right to freedom of expression

Dissenting / Concurring: Odio Benito, Pazmiño Freire, Vio Grossi

Azul Rojas Marín v. Peru, IACtHR, Series C No. 402, 12/03/2020

Arbitrary arrest, rape and verbal abuse of a gay, currently trans, man by police officers during detention because of her sexual orientation – Discriminatory torture on the basis of sexual orientation – Violation of the rights to personal liberty, personal integrity, privacy, judicial guarantees and the judicial protection

C‑258/17, CJEU, 15/01/2019

Attempted act of same-sex indecency committed by a civil servant on male minors — Disciplinary sanction adopted in 1975, compulsory early retirement accompanied by a reduction in the pension entitlement — Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, effects of the application of Directive 2000/78/EC on the disciplinary sanction, calculation of the retirement pension paid

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C-451/16, CJEU, 26/06/2018

Conditions for recognition of change of gender — National legislation under which such recognition is subject to the annulment of any marriage entered into before that change of gender — Refusal to grant a person who has changed gender a State retirement pension as from the pensionable age for persons of the gender acquired

Judge Rapporteur: T. von Danwitz