Year 2024

von Bogdandy A, Piovesan F, Ferrer MacGregor E, and Morales Antoniazzi M (eds), The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System. Transformations on the Ground (Oxford University Press 2024)

Year 2024

Queiroz BM, ‘Who Fits the Stereotype?: Gender Discrimination within the ECHR’ (2024) Universidade Católica Portuguesa CGSL Working Papers No. 3/2023

Year 2024

Danisi C, ‘Maternità surrogata come reato “universale”: considerazioni di diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea’ (2024) GenIUS 

Year 2024

Gilleri G, ‘L’orientamento sessuale in X c. Polonia: l’eteronomatività tra discriminazione e stereotipi di genere’ 18 (2024) 18 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 187-206

Year 2024

Ziegler AR, Fremuth ML and Hernández-Truyol B (eds), The Oxford Handbook of LGBTI Law (Oxford University Press 2024)

Year 2024

Celorio R, ‘The New Gender Perspective: The Dawn of Intersectional Autonomy in Women's Rights’ (2024) 25 (1) 2 Chicago Journal of International Law 67

Year 2024

Gilleri G, ‘Women, and All of Us: Article 5(a) CEDAW as a Protection for All Gendered Individuals’ (2024) 15(2) European Journal of Legal Studies 137

Year 2024

Bogdandy von A, Piovesan F, Ferrer Mac-Gregor E, Morales Antoniazzi M (eds), The Impact of the Inter- American Human Rights SystemTransformations on the Ground (Oxford University Press 2024)

Year 2024

Arimatsu L and Chinkin C, Gendered Peace through International Law (Bloomsbury Publishing 2024)

Year 2024

Krivenko Y E, ‘Sex and Gender in International Human Rights Law through the Prism of the “Women” Category in Recent Case Law’ (2024) 24 Human Rights Law Review 1

Year 2023

Abram PL, ‘The Scarlet Letter: The Supreme Court and the Language of Abortion Stigma’ (2013) Michigan Journal of Gender and Law (19) 293

Year 2023

Evola M, Krstić I and Rabadán F ‘Feminist Judgments’ in Vujadinović D, Fröhlich M and Giegerich T (eds) Gender-Competent Legal Education (Springer 2023)

Year 2023

Poli L ‘Female Reproduction and Sexuality: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Women’s Rights in International Jurisprudence’ in Krstić I, Evola M and Ribes Moreno MI (eds) Legal Issues of International Law from a Gender Perspective: Gender Perspectives in Law, vol 3. (Springer, 2023)

Year 2023

Renzulli I, ‘Discrimination and Gender Stereotypes in Judicial Decisions: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in light of J.L. v. Italy – A Retreat into the Shadows?’ (2023) 41 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 155

Year 2023

Alaattinoğlu D, ‘Intersex Interventions as Human Rights Violations: The European Court of Human Rights Sets Out Guiding Principles in MFrance’ (2023) 86 The Modern Law Review 1265

Year 2023

Gilleri G, ‘Sadomasochism in Strasbourg: A Pleasurable Danger’ (2023) 41(1) Berkeley Journal of International Law 39

Year 2023

Boicelli S, ‘La gestazione per altri tra emancipazione e sfruttamento: prospettive giusfemministe’ (2023) 1 GenIUS 83

Year 2023

Gilleri G, ‘Human Rights Discourses and Subject Formations: Tainting Queer Theory with Psychoanalysis’ (2023) 49(1) Australian Feminist Law Journal 39-54

Year 2022

Bulatti MV, ‘Gender Neutral Legal Language: A Comparative Overview’ (2022) (1)2 Comparative Law and Language 33