C-490/20, CJEU, 14/12/2021

Birth certificate issued by that Member State mentioning two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to issue a birth certificate for the child in the absence of information as to the identity of the child’s biological mother – Persons of the same sex not recognised as parents under the national legislation of that Member State of origin

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

C-843/19, CJEU, 21/01/2021

Social policy, equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security – Directive 79/7/EEC – Article 4(1), Voluntary early retirement, Early retirement pension, Requirement for the pension amount to be received to be at least as much as the legal minimum amount – Proportion of workers of each sex excluded from the benefit of early retirement, justification of a potential particular disadvantage to female workers

Judge Rapporteur: F. Biltgen

OC-27/21, Right to Freedom of Association, Right to Collective Bargaining and Rights to Strike, and their Relation to Other Rights, with a Gender Perspective, IACtHR, 5/05/2021

Freedom of association as a general principle of international law with collective and individual connotations, protecting the right to form trade union organisations and the right of each person to determine without coercion whether or not to join the association - The right to collective barganing as an essential part of freedom of association with a gendered impact on labour rights, violence and discrimination in the workplace - Presence of gender roles and stereotypes, both in the public arena and in the private sector, standing as a barrier to the full exercise of women's labour rights

Workers of the Fireworks Factory in Santo Antônio de Jesus and Their Families v. Brazil, IACtHR, Series C No. 407, 15/07/2020

Death of sixty people among which twenty children and forty women constituting the majority of the city's low-income workers in the explosion of a fireworks factory – Gender stereotypes nurturing the division of labor pushing women to turn to fireworks industry – State's failure to regulate, supervise and address the factory's unsafe working conditions – Violation of the right to an effective remedy, to life, to personal integrity, to judicial protection, to equality in the enjoyment of health safety, children rights and non-discrimination in general

Judge Rapporteur: Gender-based violence, discrimination against women, intersectionality

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot / Vio Grossi / Sierra Porto / Pérez Manrique / Pazmiño Freire