Mitrevska v. North Macedonia, ECtHR, 20949/21, 14/05/2024

Violation of Article 8 (positive obligations and private life) - Inability of the applicant, who was adopted as a child, to obtain information concerning her biological origins and health information about her biological parents - Failure to strike a balance between the competing interests at stake

Córdoba v. Paraguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 505, 4/09/2023

Illicit removal of a child habitually resident in Argentina, relocated by the taking parent to Paraguay without the father's consent - Violation of the duty of due diligence for failing to locate for nine years a child regularly attending school and receiving public health care - Violation of the right to personal integrity for putting the applicant in a permanent state of anguish - Violation of the obligation to respect the rights and freedoms without any discrimination

Dissenting / Concurring: Pérez Manrique, Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot, Mudrovitsch / Sierra Porto, Hernándz López, Pérez Goldberg

María et al. v. Argentina, IACtHR, Series C No. 494, 22/08/2023

Pregnant adolescent encouraged to give her unborn child up for adoption by health professionals on the basis of gendered stereotypes concerning her unsuitability to find a partner to form a family should the child be kept by her – Authorization to adopt the baby signed by the mother without any assisting lawyer in a document directed to the Provincial Direction for the Promotion of the Rights of the Child, Adolescent and the Family – Violation of the rights to equality, family life, judicial guarantees, judicial protection, physical integrity, live free from violence, and the rights of

C.E. and Others v. France, ECtHR, 29775/18, 29693/19, 24/03/2022

Article 8 (Positive obligations) - Inability to obtain recognition of legal parent-child relationship between child and biological mother’s former female partner