Workers of the Fireworks Factory in Santo Antônio de Jesus and Their Families v. Brazil, IACtHR, Series C No. 407, 15/07/2020
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

Death of sixty people among which twenty children and forty women constituting the majority of the city's low-income workers in the explosion of a fireworks factory – Gender stereotypes nurturing the division of labor pushing women to turn to fireworks industry – State's failure to regulate, supervise and address the factory's unsafe working conditions – Violation of the right to an effective remedy, to life, to personal integrity, to judicial protection, to equality in the enjoyment of health safety, children rights and non-discrimination in general

Judge Rapporteur: Gender-based violence, discrimination against women, intersectionality

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot / Vio Grossi / Sierra Porto / Pérez Manrique / Pazmiño Freire

D v. France, ECtHR, 11288/18, 16/07/2020
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

The applicants, a married couple and their daughter born in Ukraine via gestational surrogacy, faced a refusal by the French Court of Appeal in 2017 to fully register the Ukrainian birth certificate, listing only the legal father-child relationship - The Court held that the intended mother could establish a legal relationship through adoption, not directly through the foreign birth certificate, in accordance with French law which does not permit gestational surrogacy - The Court found this approach did not violate the child's rights, as the adoption process provided an effective mechanism for establishing the mother-child relationship (no violation of Article 8)

Koychev v. Bulgaria, ECtHR, 32495/15, 13/10/2020
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

Dismissal of an action challenging paternity on the grounds of the interests of the child, who had been recognised by the mother’s husband, without sufficient safeguards for the alleged biological father - Violation of Article 8

Lopez Martinez v. Spain, ECtHR, 32897/16, 09/03/2021
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

Article 14 in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 - The applicant, a widow, argued that the denial of her right to a survivor’s pension due to her husband’s lack of social security contributions violated her rights - The decision to deny her pension was discriminatory based on her husband's failure to meet contribution requirements

Rinau v. Lithuania, ECtHR, 10926/09, 14/01/2020
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

Article 8 (Respect for family life) - Political interventions and procedural vagaries to impede court-ordered return of child unlawfully retained by other parent on respondent State’s territory

X and Y v. Romania, ECtHR, 2145/16, 20607/16, 19/01/2021
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2020

Article 8 (Positive obligations/Respect for private life) - Refusal of national authorities to recognise male identity of transgender persons in the absence of gender reassignment surgery - Disruption of the fair balance between the general interest not clearly identified and the interests of the applicants

C‑258/17, CJEU, 15/01/2019
Court: Court of Justice of the European Union
 | 2019

Attempted act of same-sex indecency committed by a civil servant on male minors — Disciplinary sanction adopted in 1975, compulsory early retirement accompanied by a reduction in the pension entitlement — Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, effects of the application of Directive 2000/78/EC on the disciplinary sanction, calculation of the retirement pension paid

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C‑274/18, CJEU, 03/10/2019
Court: Court of Justice of the European Union
 | 2019

Less favourable treatment of part-time workers compared to full-time workers as regards their conditions of employment – National legislation fixing a maximum duration of fixed-term employment that is longer for part-time workers than for fulltime workers – Equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, concept of ‘indirect discrimination’ on grounds of sex 

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal

221/2019, CC, 18/06/2019
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2019

Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Ban on same-sex couples and penalties for non-compliance - Alleged infringement of the fundamental right to parenthood in same-sex couples, unequal treatment on the basis of sexual orientation and economic conditions, violation of maternity protection, human dignity and the right to health, as well as the right to respect for private and family life and the prohibition of discrimination provided for by the ECHR and other international sources

278/2019, CC, 06/11/2019
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2019

Usual tolerance and aiding and abetting of prostitution – Classifying as criminal offence even in case of “prostitution voluntarily and knowingly engaged in a criminal offence”