Mitrevska v. North Macedonia, ECtHR, 20949/21, 14/05/2024

Violation of Article 8 (positive obligations and private life) - Inability of the applicant, who was adopted as a child, to obtain information concerning her biological origins and health information about her biological parents - Failure to strike a balance between the competing interests at stake

María et al. v. Argentina, IACtHR, Series C No. 494, 22/08/2023

Pregnant adolescent encouraged to give her unborn child up for adoption by health professionals on the basis of gendered stereotypes concerning her unsuitability to find a partner to form a family should the child be kept by her – Authorization to adopt the baby signed by the mother without any assisting lawyer in a document directed to the Provincial Direction for the Promotion of the Rights of the Child, Adolescent and the Family – Violation of the rights to equality, family life, judicial guarantees, judicial protection, physical integrity, live free from violence, and the rights of

D.M. and N. v. Italy, ECtHR, 60083/19, 20/01/2022

Adoption procedure initiated by the authorities in breach of the mother’s and her child’s right to respect for family life - Evaluation of the alleged mother's inability to fulfil her parental duties based on stereotyped assumptions concerning gender roles and her sexual life


Dissenting / Concurring: sexual expression, discrimination against women, adoption

Ramírez Escobar et al. v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 351, 09/03/2018

Absence of proper institutional oversight over and inadequate regulation of adoption procedures – Decision to separate children from their biological family based on discriminatory justifications regarding their economic situation, gender-based stereotypes about parental responsibilities and their grandmother’s sexual orientation

Ageyevy v. Russia, ECtHR, 7075/10, 18/04/2013

Violation of Article 8 (Respect for family life and private life) - Revocation of adoption while criminal proceedings for suspected child abuse were still pending - Failure adequately to investigate unauthorised disclosure of confidential information or to protect reputation and right to be presumed innocent of parent suspected of child abuse

X and Others v. Austria, ECtHR, 19010/07, 19/2/2013 [GC]

Impossibility of second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple - Government's failure to provide convincing reasons for the exclusion second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple, while allowing that possibility in an unmarried different-sex couple, deemed necessary for the protection of the family in the traditional sense or for the protection of the interests of the child, amounts to discrimination

Dissenting / Concurring: Josep Casadevall, Ineta Ziemele, Anatoly Kovler, Danutė Jočienė, Ján Šikuta, Vincent A. De Gaetano, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos / Dean Spielmann

E.B. v. France, ECtHR, 43546/02, 22/1/2008 [GC]

Refusal to grant approval for the purposes of adoption, on the ground of the applicant’s lifestyle as a lesbian living with another woman - The Court considered that the reference to the applicant's homosexuality had been, if not explicit, at least implicit, and that the influence of the applicant’s avowed homosexuality on the assessment of her application had been established and, having regard to the foregoing, had been a decisive factor in the decision to refuse her authorisation to adopt - The domestic authorities had made a distinction based on considerations regarding her sexual orien

Dissenting / Concurring: Jean-Paul Costa, Riza Türmen, Mindia Ugrekhelidze, Danutė Jočienė, Boštjan Zupančič, Loukis Loucaides, Antonella Mularoni / Peer Lorenzen, Sverre Erik Jebens

Moretti and Benedetti v. Italy, ECtHR, 16318/07, 27/04/2010

Failure to examine request for adoption by foster parents before declaring child free for adoption - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations/Respect for family life)