10/2024, CC, 06/12/2023

Penitentiary system – Possibility to have a conversation with the spouse, i.e. a party of a civil partnership, a de facto cohabiting partner or a person in a stable emotional relationship, without visual surveillance if, in consideration of the detainee’s behavior, there are no security problems or the need to maintain order and discipline, nor, judicial reasons - Disproportionate violation of personal dignity, of the principles protecting family ties and the detainee’s and his family members’ psycho-physical health 

Olivera Fuentes v. Peru, IACtHR, Series C No. 484, 4/02/2023

Store manager's request to a homosexual couple to stop 'amorous scenes' and attempt to remove them forcibly - Use of homophobic stereotypes in domestic rulings including that homosexuality is a pathology and that queer expressions of affection are always erotic – Domestic court’s justification of the ejection of the couple based on 'respect for morality' and 'the best interest of the child' in the light of a purported scientific consensus on the consequences of the exposure of children to homosexual behaviour – Violation of the right to personal liberty, privacy and equality befor

Semenya v. Switzerland, ECtHR, 10934/21, 11/07/2023

South African intersex female professional athlete excluded from competing in female athletic events due to her naturally elevated testosterone levels following the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s ruling on her infringement of the Worlds Athletics’ Differences of Sex Development Regulations providing for either the suppression of testosterone levels or the exclusion from the category – Violation of the right to non-discrimination in conjunction with the right to respect for private life, and the right to an effective remedy

Dissenting / Concurring: Pavli / Serghides / Grozev, Roosma, Ktistakis

D.M. and N. v. Italy, ECtHR, 60083/19, 20/01/2022

Adoption procedure initiated by the authorities in breach of the mother’s and her child’s right to respect for family life - Evaluation of the alleged mother's inability to fulfil her parental duties based on stereotyped assumptions concerning gender roles and her sexual life


Dissenting / Concurring: sexual expression, discrimination against women, adoption

Pavez Pavez v. Chile, IACtHR, Series C No. 449, 4/2/2022

Revocation of the certification to teach Catholicism after having entered a same-sex relationship in violation of Catholic canon law - Violation of the right to equality and non-discrimination, the right to privacy, and the right to work - Court's order to institute a concrete judicial review procedure to allow state officials to carry out a control of the religious authorities’ assessment of suitability of religious teachers serving in public schools

Dissenting / Concurring: Sierra Porto

Vicky Hernández et al. v. Honduras, IACtHR, Series C No. 422, 26/3/2021

State's failure to conduct effective investigations into the murder of a sex-worker and trans woman because of her gender identity and expression – Ineffective investigation into gender-based violence relying on prejudices against the trans community amounts to a violation of the right to freedom of expression

Dissenting / Concurring: Odio Benito, Pazmiño Freire, Vio Grossi

301/2012, CC, 11/12/2012

Penitentiary system – Detainees must have conversations under the visual surveillance of custody staff - Alleged impediment to a full emotional relationship between the detainee and the partner, i.e. the spouse or the de facto cohabiting partner