Bedoya Lima and Others v. Colombia, IACtHR, Series C No. 431, 26/08/2021
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Verbal, physical and sexual violence committed against a female journalist in the context of a kidnapping by a paramilitary group - Violation of the right to judicial protection, to dignity, to freedom of thought and expression, to personal integrity, to equal protection before the law - Lack of due diligence due to discriminatory attitudes towards the victim in the course of the investigations

Maidanik and Others v. Uruguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 444, 15/11/2021
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Extrajudicial killing of two women and forced disappearance of two men - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to personal integrity and to judicial protection

Dissenting / Concurring: Sexual violence, discrimination against women, ineffective investigations, disappearance

Manuela et al. v. El Salvador, IACtHR, Series C No. 441, 2/11/2021
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Criminalization of an economically disadvantaged and illiterate woman living in a rural context having suffered obstetric emergency resulting in miscarriage - Arrest, detention during the proceedings and conviction for aggravated homicide to the detriment of her still-born child found by the police in her house - Violation of the right to freedom from arbitrary detention and to the presumption of innocence - Ineffective investigations based on gender stereotypes and preconceptions rather than concrete evidence related to the intersectional axes of discrimination concerning her gender, geographical location, level of literacy and economic status - Violation of the right to life following Manuela's death from cancer during imprisonment without adequate medical diagnosis and treatment

Dissenting / Concurring: Vio Grossi / Sierra Porto / Zaffaroni / Pérez Manrique

OC-27/21, Right to Freedom of Association, Right to Collective Bargaining and Rights to Strike, and their Relation to Other Rights, with a Gender Perspective, IACtHR, 5/05/2021
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Freedom of association as a general principle of international law with collective and individual connotations, protecting the right to form trade union organisations and the right of each person to determine without coercion whether or not to join the association - The right to collective barganing as an essential part of freedom of association with a gendered impact on labour rights, violence and discrimination in the workplace - Presence of gender roles and stereotypes, both in the public arena and in the private sector, standing as a barrier to the full exercise of women's labour rights

Vicky Hernández et al. v. Honduras, IACtHR, Series C No. 422, 26/3/2021
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

State's failure to conduct effective investigations into the murder of a sex-worker and trans woman because of her gender identity and expression – Ineffective investigation into gender-based violence relying on prejudices against the trans community amounts to a violation of the right to freedom of expression

Dissenting / Concurring: Odio Benito, Pazmiño Freire, Vio Grossi

J.L. v. Italy, ECtHR, 5671/16, 27/05/2021
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Condemnation of national courts for upholding presumptions and stereotypes of female sexuality - Positive obligations - 'Secondary victimisation' of a survivor of sexual violence due to the blaming, moralising and stereotyped gendered motivations of the domestic decision

Dissenting / Concurring: Wojtyczek

Valdís Fjölnisdóttir and Others v. Iceland, ECtHR, 71552/17, 18/05/2021
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2021

Article 8 - Non-recognition of parental link with non-biological child born abroad via surrogacy, while preserving bond through foster care: “family life” applicable

Mhina Zuberi v. Tanzania, ACtHPR, 054/2016, 26/02/2021
Court: African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
 | 2021

Violation of the right to free legal assistance due to the state's failure to ensure it to the applicant serving a sentence of thirty years imprisonment for the offence of rape

127/2020, CC, 26/05/2020
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2020

Medically assisted reproduction – Alleged unequal treatment with respect to the use of heterologous medically assisted fertilisation, and violation of the principles of individual responsibility, social solidarity and protection of the personal identity of the child

271/2020, CC, 03/12/2020
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2020

Participation of the gestational mother in the trial for the recognition of the foreign order concerning the registration of non-biological parent (the so-called intended parent) in the birth certificate of a child born abroad through surrogacy

13881, CSC, 06/07/2020
Court: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
 | 2020

Violation of women’s right to self-determination relating to termination of pregnancy – Compensation for so-called ‘damage from unwanted birth’ due to a doctor's error Requirements to perform therapeutic abortion – Failure to inform of possible foetus’ malformations

18901, CSC, 17/11/2020
Court: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
 | 2020

Conscientious objection - Voluntary termination of pregnancy - Pharmacological abortion