Recognition of international protection - Gender-based violence as one of the offences expressly envisaged for the purposes of granting refugee status - Refusal to an arranged marriage
Surrogacy – Registration in Italy of a born-by-surrogacy child’s foreign birth certificate - Possibility of granting the status of child recognised also by the intentional mother
Failure to make a timely diagnosis of foetal pathology - Pregnant woman’s inability to make her own decision as to voluntary termination of pregnancy after the 90th day of gestation - Compensation for damage caused by unwanted birth
Refusal of the civil registrar to two women’s request to correct their child’s birth certificate by naming both as mothers – Child born in Italy through recourse to medically assisted reproduction carried out by a female same-sex couple
Persecutory acts – The offence of persecutory acts is also committed in the case of indirect harassment - Communications of a harassing or threatening nature directed to recipients other than the offended person, but linked to the latter by a qualified relationship of proximity
Prohibition of surrogacy as an obstacle to the recognition of the foreign order establishing the filiation of the child born abroad – Prohibition in Italy of transcription of the foreign order naming the intended parent as the child's parent
Family abuse - Definition of the concept of ‘cohabitation’ is required to establish the crime family abuse - Cohabitation is a deep-rooted and stable affective relationship characterised by a lasting living together in the same place
Sexual violence and sexual acts with a minor – Regarding child sexual assault in a family context, reliability of statements made by the child and probable influence of the family
Refusal of the civil registrar to name in child’s birth certificate both women as mothers - Child conceived by medically assisted heterologous procreation and born abroad - Adoption in ‘special cases’ is the legal instrument for the intended parent in same-sex couples
Family abuse - Repeated acts of physical or moral harassment - Habitual abuse by the defendant resulting in harassing and humiliating behaviour, which lasted for years and served to build a domestic life system that was no longer tolerable
Heterologous medically assisted procreation – Same-sex couple – Inability to register in child’s birth certificate the intended mother’s name together with the biological mother
Judicial correction of the assigned gender – Request for correction of parts relating to sex and name of birth certificate
Adolescent repeatedly raped by her adult cousin – Ineffective remedies due to domestic authorities’ stereotyped preconceptions as to the applicant as complicit in her own abuse – Lack of an intersectional gender and childhood perspective in conducting the criminal process without avoiding revictimization – Violation of the duty of strict and enhanced due diligence and of the special protection required in a complaint of sexual violation against a girl – Violation of the rights to humane treatment, a fair trial, equality before the law, private and family life, of the child and judicial protection – Revictimizing attitude materialising in forensic exams conducted improperly with potential secondary harm to the applicant and interviews repeated on multiple occasions during the investigations leading to increased distress
Obstetric violence as a form of gender-based violence - States' obligation to prevent, punish and refrain from practicing obstetric violence as well as to provide adequate, specialized and differentiated health services during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth to guarantee the mother's right to health
Dissenting / Concurring: Sierra Porto / Pérez Goldberg
Revocation of the certification to teach Catholicism after having entered a same-sex relationship in violation of Catholic canon law - Violation of the right to equality and non-discrimination, the right to privacy, and the right to work - Court's order to institute a concrete judicial review procedure to allow state officials to carry out a control of the religious authorities’ assessment of suitability of religious teachers serving in public schools
Dissenting / Concurring: Sierra Porto
Decision depriving parents of custody of their children due to inability to properly care for them and children’s wishes to remain in foster care, within State’s margin of appreciation - No violation
Article 8 (Positive obligations/Private life) - Transgender men unable to obtain legal recognition of their gender without having undergone medical procedures to change their sex characteristics, due to imprecision of legal framework - Domestic authorities’ failure to provide quick, transparent and accessible procedures for legal gender recognition
Refusal by domestic courts to legally establish the applicant's paternity with regard to his biological son, born from surrogacy carried out in France, after having been entrusted by the surrogate mother to a third-party couple - Violation of Article 8
Article 8 and Article 14 (+ Article 8) - Private life applicable - Lack of legal recognition of parenthood to intended mother with no biological ties to a child born through a gestational surrogacy arrangement abroad
Dissenting / Concurring: Ivana Jelić/O’Leary
Article 8 (Positive obligations) - Inability to obtain recognition of legal parent-child relationship between child and biological mother’s former female partner