Favela Nova Brasilia v. Brazil, IACtHR, Series C No. 333, 16/02/2017

Execution, torture and sexual assault of, inter alia, young girls, including minors, by police officers during a drug raid, with removal of corpses and obstruction of proper investigation – Violation of the rights to judicial protection, to physical, mental, and moral integrity, to move freely within a state and to a hearing within reasonable time by a competent and independent tribunal

Gutiérrez Hernández et al. v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 339, 24/08/2017

Investigations carried out without due diligence - 'Crime of passion' as a part of a stereotype justifying violence against women and excusing the aggressor's conduct - State's stereotyped assessment of the investigation on the victim's personal relationships and lifestyle - Victim blaming by State agents

C‑335/15, CJEU, 14/07/2016

Measures to improve the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding — National law providing for an allowance for ordinary magistrates in respect of expenses which they incur in the performance of their professional functions — No entitlement for an ordinary magistrate to that allowance in the case of compulsory maternity leave taken prior to 1 January 2005

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

Hacienda Brasil Verde Workers v. Brazil, IACtHR, Series C No. 318, 20/10/2016

Recruitment of hundreds of female and male workers from low-income communities to work in a privately-owned cattle ranch with the promise of good salaries followed by forced labor and servitude, inhumane working and deplorable living conditions, including withholding of wages, threats and violence under the constant vigilance by armed guards - Violation of the right to freedom from slavery and trafficking, to judicial protection, and to effective remedy 

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot / Vio Grossi / Sierra Porto

I.V. v. Bolivia, IACtHR, Series C No. 329, 30/11/2016

Forced sterilization of an immigrant woman from Peru during a caesarean section without her prior and informed consent - Court's recognition of the impact of gendered power relations on dignity, suffering, health and the enjoyment of women's sexual and reproductive rights - Discrimination in access to health affects women’s freedom to decide freely on their bodies and their reproductive health - Violation of the right to non-discrimination, to personal freedom and integrity, dignity, private and family life, access to information and founding a family

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot

C‑137/15, CJEU, 17/12/2015

Equal treatment of male and female workers, part-time workers, primarily female — National legislation providing for a maximum amount of unemployment benefit — Legislation referring, for the purposes of the calculation of that amount, to the relationship between the working hours of the part-time employees concerned and the working hours of full-time employees

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal

Velásquez Paiz y otros v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 307, 19/11/2015

Feminicide of a young woman including sexual violence - Unjustified wait to report the disappearance to the police and for the police to take formal notice – Violation of state obligation to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women under the Belém do Pará Convention – Violation of the rights to life, to humane treatment, to a fair trial, to privacy and to judicial protection

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot / Vio Grossi / Caldas

Véliz Franco and Others v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 277, 19/05/2014

Ineffective investigations with many deficiencies after the victim’s mother’s report of the disappearance and later killing of her young minor daughter - Violation of the right to life, to personal integrity, to non-discrimination and the duty of due diligence to prevent and investigate violence against women

C‑401/11, CJEU, 11/04/2013

Transferor not less than 55 years old but not yet of normal retirement age at the time of transfer – Concept of ‘normal retirement age’, national legislation determining a retirement age which varies depending on the sex of the applicant and, for women, on the number of children raised – General principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: G. Arestis

C‑7/12, CJEU, 20/06/2013

Directive 76/207/EEC, equal treatment for male and female workers & Directive 96/34/EC – Framework Agreement on Parental Leave – Abolishment of officials’ posts due to national economic difficulties, assessment of a female worker who took parental leave as compared to workers who remained in active service – Dismissal at the end of parental leave, indirect discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

Gudiel Álvarez and Others ('Diario Militar') v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 253, 20/11/2012

Forced disappearance of 26 people registered in a 'military diary' between 1983-1985 in the context of an internal conflict - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to judicial protection, to personal integrity, and to freedom of association