I.G. and Others v. Slovakia, ECtHR, 15966/04, 13/11/2012

Violation of Article 3 (treatment and investigation) and Article 8 - The case concerned three women of Roma origin who complained in particular that they had been sterilised without their full and informed consent, that the authorities’ ensuing investigation into their sterilisation had not been thorough, fair or effective and that their ethnic origin had played a decisive role in their sterilisation

N.B. v. Slovakia, ECtHR, 29518/10, 12/06/2012

The applicant claimed she suffered inhumane and degrading treatment, negative impacts on her private and family life, and discrimination based on sex and ethnic origin due to the lack of effective anti-discrimination laws in Slovakia at the time of her sterilization - The Court held that the applicant's rights under Article 3 were violated, and that the State's failure to provide sufficient legal protections for the reproductive health of Roma women violated Article 8

Río Negro Massacres v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 250, 4/09/2012

Forced disappearances, murders, inhumane treatment and sexual violence against women in the context of the massacres against members of Río Negro community perpetrated by the Army of Guatemala and members of the Civilian Self-Defense Patrols - Violation of freedom from slavery, freedom of association, movement and residence, conscience and religion, the right to humane treatment, to life, to a fair trial, and to judicial protection

Gelman v. Uruguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 221, 24/02/2011

Forced disappearance of a woman and kidnapping of her daughter during military dictatorship with the child being raised by a Uruguayan policeman and his wife, knowing nothing of her true identity until her paternal grandfather found her decades later - Violation of the right to preservation of identity, and to an effective remedy due to an amnesty law prevent prosecution of authors of serious human rights violations

Dissenting / Concurring: Vio Grossi

V.C. v. SLOVAKIA, ECtHR, 18968/07, 8/11/2011

The allegation of a Slovak woman of Roma ethnic origin that she had
been the victim of forced sterilisation - A violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) - A violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life)

Dissenting / Concurring: Ljiljana Mijović

Fernández Ortega and Others v. Mexico, IACtHR, Series C No. 215, 30/08/2010

Torture and rape of an indigenous woman by military personnel - State's failure to comply with due diligence to investigate and punish the perpetrators - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to personal integrity, dignity, to private life, to judicial protection and to an effective remedy

Dissenting / Concurring: Espinosa

Rosendo Cantú and Others v. Mexico, IACtHR, Series C No. 216, 31/08/2010

Rape of an indigenous girl by members of the army - Ineffective investigations - State's failure to prevent, investigate and punish violence against women – Violation of the obligation of non-discrimination in accessing justice

Dissenting / Concurring: Abreu Blondet / Espinosa

Xákmok Kásek Indigenous Community. v. Paraguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 214, 24/08/2010

State's inability to recover ancestral property belonging to the Xákmok Kásek indigenous community - Lack of access to property and possession threatening the survival of the community, resulting in nutritional, medical and health vulnerability of its members, particularly pregnant women, children, and the elderly - Violation of the right to judicial protection, to life, to personal integrity, to non-discrimination, to property as well as children rights

Judge Rapporteur: Discrimination against women, gender-based violence, property

Dissenting / Concurring: Vio Grossi / Fogel Pedrozo

Las Dos Erres Massacre v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 211, 24/11/2009

Rape and forced abortion by inhuman treatment of women and girls in the context of the extrajudicial execution of 251 members of the Las Dos Erres community by the Guatemalan armed forces - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to dignity and of the duty to investigate, prevent and punish acts of violence against women

Judge Rapporteur: Sexual violence, forced abortion, ill-treatment discrimination against women, intersectionality

Dissenting / Concurring: Cadena Rámila

Perozo and Others v. Venezuela, Series C No. 195, 28/01/2009

Harassment, persecution, physical and verbal attacks against people linked to a television station because of their exercise of their freedom of expression, including twelve women targets of gendered attacks –Intimidating statements made by government officials in a context of high social polarization and conflict – Violation of the right to freedom of expression and to effective investigations

Dissenting / Concurring: Paceri Scaramuzza

Ríos et and Others v. Venezuela, IACtHR, Series C No. 194, 28/01/2009

Harassment, persecution, physical and verbal attacks against people linked to a television channel, including women targeted because of their gender – Intimidating statements made by government officials in a context of high social polarization and conflict – Violation of the right to freedom of expression and to effective investigations

Dissenting / Concurring: Paceri Scaramuzza

C-506/06, CJEU, 26/02/2008

Directive 92/85/EEC, Measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding – Meaning of ‘pregnant worker’; prohibition of dismissal of pregnant workers during the period from the beginning of their pregnancy to the end of the maternity leave − Woman dismissed where, at the date she was given notice of her dismissal, her ova had been fertilised in vitro, but not yet transferred to her uterus

Judge Rapporteur: A. Ó Caoimh

C-460/06, CJEU, 11/10/2007

Protection of pregnant women, Directive 92/85/EEC, Article 10, Prohibition on dismissal from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of maternity leave − Period of protection, decision to dismiss a female worker during that period of protection; notification and implementation of the decision to dismiss after the expiry of that period − Equal treatment for male and female workers

Judge Rapporteur: A. Ó Caoimh

Cantoral-Huamaní and García-Santa Cruz v. Peru, IACtHR, Series C No. 167, 10/06/2007

Execution of the female founder of a women's organization in a mining community providing support to the families of miners during a strike, as an attempt to intimidate miners into non unionizing – Violation of the right to life, to humane treatment, to personal liberty, and to freedom of association

Dissenting / Concurring: Ventura Robles