M. A. and Others v. France, ECtHR, 63664/19, 64450/19, 24387/20, 24391/20, 24393/20, 25/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Article 8 - General and absolute criminalisation of the purchase of sexual acts as part of a comprehensive legislative framework to combat prostitution and human trafficking

Mitrevska v. North Macedonia, ECtHR, 20949/21, 14/05/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 8 (positive obligations and private life) - Inability of the applicant, who was adopted as a child, to obtain information concerning her biological origins and health information about her biological parents - Failure to strike a balance between the competing interests at stake

Mykyas and Other v. Belgium, ECtHR, 50681/20, 09/04/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Muslim girls were prohibited from wearing the Islamic veil in their schools, with the exception of non-denominational religious and ethics classes by the school regulations - inadmissible (manifestly ill-founded)

National Youth Council of Moldova v. the Republic of Moldova, ECtHR, 15379/13, 25/06/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 10 (Freedom of expression) - Refusal by local authorities to authorise the display of an anti-discrimination illustration on advertising billboards for depicting persons with disabilities and Roma in an undignified and humiliating manner

Oghlishvili v. Georgia, ECtHR, 7621/19, 04/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 2 (procedural) - Lack of effective investigation into the alleged suicide of the applicant’s daughter in a domestic violence context - Investigative authority’s non-compliance with requirement to display particular diligence and vigour when investigating a case involving violence against women could be read as sheer unwillingness to establish the truth

W.W. v. Poland, ECtHR, 31842/20, 11/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 8 (Private life) - Refusal to allow transgender person to continue hormone therapy in prison - Applicant particularly vulnerable as an imprisoned transgender person undergoing a gender reassignment procedure, thus requiring enhanced protection from the authorities

Dissenting / Concurring: Krzysztof Wojtyczek

Y.T. v. Bulgaria, ECtHR, 41701/16, 04/07/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

The revision of the judgement, which was originally decided in 2020 - The applicant had failed to inform the ECtHR at the time of his success in obtaining legal gender recognition from another Bulgarian court and, therefore, retroactively found the case to be inadmissible

Dissenting / Concurring: Kateřina Šimáčková

Z v. Czech Republic, ECtHR, 37782/21, 20/06/2024
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2024

Violation of Article 3 and Article 8 - Failure of the national authorities to effectively apply a criminal justice system capable of punishing non-consensual sexual acts alleged by a vulnerable victim who did not object during the sexual acts

C‑356/21, CJEU, 12/01/2023
Court: Court of Justice of the European Union
 | 2023

Equal treatment in employment and occupation, conditions for access to self-employment, employment and working conditions – Prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation – Self-employed person working on the basis of a contract for specific work, termination and non-renewal of contract, freedom to choose a contracting party

Judge Rapporteur: M.L. Arastey Sahún

10/2024, CC, 06/12/2023
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2023

Penitentiary system – Possibility to have a conversation with the spouse, i.e. a party of a civil partnership, a de facto cohabiting partner or a person in a stable emotional relationship, without visual surveillance if, in consideration of the detainee’s behavior, there are no security problems or the need to maintain order and discipline, nor, judicial reasons - Disproportionate violation of personal dignity, of the principles protecting family ties and the detainee’s and his family members’ psycho-physical health 

161/2023, CC, 24/05/2023
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2023

Assisted Reproductive Technologies – A man withdrew his consent to the implantation of a fertilised embryo into a woman’s uterus after the embryo has been fertilized – Alleged violation of the principle of equality as well as the right to self-determination and the conventional right to respect for private and family life

18522, CSC, 28/06/2023
Court: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
 | 2023

Indirect discrimination not to employ a woman for reasons of physical unfitness due to short stature – Recruitment requirements in contrast to the principle of equality not taking into account the existence of the height difference generally found between men and women

23527, CSC, 02/08/2023
Court: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
 | 2023

Rejection of the registration in Italy of the birth certificate of a child – conceived through recourse to heterologous medically assisted reproduction and born in Italy - naming the intended parent as the child's parent - The legislator has restricted access to heterologous medically assisted reproduction to situations of pathological infertility, which does not include same-sex couples