26663, CSC, 22/10/2018

Principle of non-discrimination - Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006: “it is also appropriate to make express provision for the protection of the employment rights of women on maternity leave and in particular their right to return to the same or an equivalent post, to suffer no detriment in their terms and conditions as a result of taking such leave and to benefit from any improvement in working conditions to which they would have been entitled during their absence”

C‑41/17, CJEU, 19/09/2018

Directive 92/85/EEC, Articles 4, 5 and 7, protection of the safety and health of workers, worker who is breastfeeding, night work, shift work performed in part at night — Risk assessment of her work, prevention measures, challenge by the worker concerned — Discrimination on grounds of sex

Judge Rapporteur: F. Biltgen

Ramírez Escobar et al. v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 351, 09/03/2018

Absence of proper institutional oversight over and inadequate regulation of adoption procedures – Decision to separate children from their biological family based on discriminatory justifications regarding their economic situation, gender-based stereotypes about parental responsibilities and their grandmother’s sexual orientation

C‑335/15, CJEU, 14/07/2016

Measures to improve the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding — National law providing for an allowance for ordinary magistrates in respect of expenses which they incur in the performance of their professional functions — No entitlement for an ordinary magistrate to that allowance in the case of compulsory maternity leave taken prior to 1 January 2005

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

Gözüm v. Turkey, ECtHR, 4789/10, 20/01/2015

Inability under Turkish law for adoptive mother to have her forename recorded on child’s identity papers in place of the biological mother’s forename - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations)