C‑2/21, CJEU, 24/06/2022

Birth certificate issued by the Member State of birth of the child and designating two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to transcribe that birth certificate into the national register of civil status – Transcription of that certificate being a prerequisite for the issuing of identity documents, national legislation of that Member State of origin not recognising the parenthood of persons of the same sex

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

D.M. and N. v. Italy, ECtHR, 60083/19, 20/01/2022

Adoption procedure initiated by the authorities in breach of the mother’s and her child’s right to respect for family life - Evaluation of the alleged mother's inability to fulfil her parental duties based on stereotyped assumptions concerning gender roles and her sexual life


Dissenting / Concurring: sexual expression, discrimination against women, adoption

32/2021, CC, 28/01/2021

Status of child born (in Italy) through recourse to heterologous medically assisted reproduction (MAP), carried out by a female couple – Possibility of granting the status of child recognised also by the intentional mother, where the conditions for ‘‘adoption in special cases’’ are not fulfilled even though the courts have established that such recognition would be in the interests of the child

C-262/21 PPU, CJEU, 02/08/2021

Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility – Application for return of a child of a young age whose parents have joint custody – Transfer of the child and his mother to the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III))

Judge Rapporteur: M. J.–C. Bonichot

C-490/20, CJEU, 14/12/2021

Birth certificate issued by that Member State mentioning two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to issue a birth certificate for the child in the absence of information as to the identity of the child’s biological mother – Persons of the same sex not recognised as parents under the national legislation of that Member State of origin

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

Valdís Fjölnisdóttir and Others v. Iceland, ECtHR, 71552/17, 18/05/2021

Article 8 - Non-recognition of parental link with non-biological child born abroad via surrogacy, while preserving bond through foster care: “family life” applicable

271/2020, CC, 03/12/2020

Participation of the gestational mother in the trial for the recognition of the foreign order concerning the registration of non-biological parent (the so-called intended parent) in the birth certificate of a child born abroad through surrogacy

D v. France, ECtHR, 11288/18, 16/07/2020

The applicants, a married couple and their daughter born in Ukraine via gestational surrogacy, faced a refusal by the French Court of Appeal in 2017 to fully register the Ukrainian birth certificate, listing only the legal father-child relationship - The Court held that the intended mother could establish a legal relationship through adoption, not directly through the foreign birth certificate, in accordance with French law which does not permit gestational surrogacy - The Court found this approach did not violate the child's rights, as the adoption process provided an effective mechanism f