205/2015, CC, 07/10/2015

Maternity allowance only if the child has not exceeded the age of six - Unequal treatment between self-employed mothers in the case of international adoption and employed mothers in the case of domestic adoption - Infringement of the principles of maternity and child protection and of the protection of working women and children

Bondavalli v. Italy, ECtHR, 35532/12, 17/11/2015

The applicant’s inability to exercise fully his right of contact with his son on account of negative reports by the Scandiano social services, with which the mother had professional links - the Italian authorities had not made appropriate and sufficient efforts to ensure that the applicant had been able to exercise his right of contact with his child and had thus breached his right to respect for his family life

Phostira Efthymiou and Ribeiro Fernandes v. Portugal, ECtHR, 66775/11, 05/02/2015

The procedure for the return of the first applicant, the daughter of the second applicant, to her country of habitual residence, Cyprus - There would be a violation of Article 8 if the decision ordering the child’s return to Cyprus were to be enforced

Dissenting / Concurring: Elisabeth Steiner, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos

D. and Others v. Belgium, ECtHR, 29176/13, 08/07/2014

Refusal to provide applicants with a travel document to enable their child, born abroad as a result of a surrogacy arrangement, to travel back with them to their country of origin - inadmissible

Gözüm v. Turkey, ECtHR, 4789/10, 20/01/2015

Inability under Turkish law for adoptive mother to have her forename recorded on child’s identity papers in place of the biological mother’s forename - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations)

Hromadka and Hromadkova v. Russia, ECtHR, 22909/10, 11/12/2014

Article 8 (Respect for family life) - Failure to take all necessary measures to enable father and daughter to maintain and develop family life with each other in international abduction case

Labassee v. France, ECtHR, 65941/11, 26/06/2014

Refusal to grant legal recognition in France to parent-child relationships that had been legally established in the United States between children born as a result of surrogacy arrangement and the couples who had had recourse to such arrangements - Violation of Article 8

Mennesson v. France, ECtHR, 65192/11, 26/09/2014

Refusal to grant legal recognition in France to parent-child relationships that had been legally established in the United States between children born as a result of surrogacy arrangement and the couples who had had recourse to such arrangements - Violation of Article 8 (Respect for private life)