Mennesson v. France, ECtHR, 65192/11, 26/09/2014

Refusal to grant legal recognition in France to parent-child relationships that had been legally established in the United States between children born as a result of surrogacy arrangement and the couples who had had recourse to such arrangements - Violation of Article 8 (Respect for private life)


Ageyevy v. Russia, ECtHR, 7075/10, 18/04/2013

Violation of Article 8 (Respect for family life and private life) - Revocation of adoption while criminal proceedings for suspected child abuse were still pending - Failure adequately to investigate unauthorised disclosure of confidential information or to protect reputation and right to be presumed innocent of parent suspected of child abuse

C‑7/12, CJEU, 20/06/2013

Directive 76/207/EEC, equal treatment for male and female workers & Directive 96/34/EC – Framework Agreement on Parental Leave – Abolishment of officials’ posts due to national economic difficulties, assessment of a female worker who took parental leave as compared to workers who remained in active service – Dismissal at the end of parental leave, indirect discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

X and Others v. Austria, ECtHR, 19010/07, 19/2/2013 [GC]

Impossibility of second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple - Government's failure to provide convincing reasons for the exclusion second-parent adoption in a same-sex couple, while allowing that possibility in an unmarried different-sex couple, deemed necessary for the protection of the family in the traditional sense or for the protection of the interests of the child, amounts to discrimination

Dissenting / Concurring: Josep Casadevall, Ineta Ziemele, Anatoly Kovler, Danutė Jočienė, Ján Šikuta, Vincent A. De Gaetano, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos / Dean Spielmann

Gelman v. Uruguay, IACtHR, Series C No. 221, 24/02/2011

Forced disappearance of a woman and kidnapping of her daughter during military dictatorship with the child being raised by a Uruguayan policeman and his wife, knowing nothing of her true identity until her paternal grandfather found her decades later - Violation of the right to preservation of identity, and to an effective remedy due to an amnesty law prevent prosecution of authors of serious human rights violations

Dissenting / Concurring: Vio Grossi

151/2009, CC, 01/04/2009

Medically Assisted Procreation - Possibility of an implantation of up to a maximum of three embryos - The cryopreservation of the embryos is permitted only if the transfer of the embryos into the uterus is not possible due to serious and documented reasons of force majeure relating to the health of the woman which were not foreseeable at the time of fertilisation 

Zaunegger v. Germany, ECtHR, 22028/04, 03/12/2009

Violation of Article 14 (discrimination) - Inability of father of a child born out of wedlock to obtain joint custody without the mother’s consent - The applicant had been treated differently from mothers or from married or divorced fathers in that he had required his former partner's consent to joint custody

Dissenting / Concurring: Bertram Schmitt

E.B. v. France, ECtHR, 43546/02, 22/1/2008 [GC]

Refusal to grant approval for the purposes of adoption, on the ground of the applicant’s lifestyle as a lesbian living with another woman - The Court considered that the reference to the applicant's homosexuality had been, if not explicit, at least implicit, and that the influence of the applicant’s avowed homosexuality on the assessment of her application had been established and, having regard to the foregoing, had been a decisive factor in the decision to refuse her authorisation to adopt - The domestic authorities had made a distinction based on considerations regarding her sexual orien

Dissenting / Concurring: Jean-Paul Costa, Riza Türmen, Mindia Ugrekhelidze, Danutė Jočienė, Boštjan Zupančič, Loukis Loucaides, Antonella Mularoni / Peer Lorenzen, Sverre Erik Jebens

Moretti and Benedetti v. Italy, ECtHR, 16318/07, 27/04/2010

Failure to examine request for adoption by foster parents before declaring child free for adoption - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations/Respect for family life)