221/2019, CC, 18/06/2019

Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Ban on same-sex couples and penalties for non-compliance - Alleged infringement of the fundamental right to parenthood in same-sex couples, unequal treatment on the basis of sexual orientation and economic conditions, violation of maternity protection, human dignity and the right to health, as well as the right to respect for private and family life and the prohibition of discrimination provided for by the ECHR and other international sources

27539, CSC, 30/01/2019

Obstetric violence – Obstetrician’s carelessness, negligence and inexperience cause the death of the delivered foetus – Foetus’ death by perinatal asphyxia may be classified as manslaughter or miscarriage depending on the onset of labour and the achievement of foetal autonomy

Charron and Merle-Montet v. France , ECtHR, 22612/15, 16/01/2018

A female married couple who had applied for medically assisted reproduction by means of artificial insemination - The application was rejected by a hospital on the grounds that “the Bioethics Law currently in force in France did not authorise such medical provision for same-sex couples” - inadmissible

Cuscul Pivaral et al. v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 359, 23/08/2018

State's violation of the rights to health, life, personal integrity, judicial process, and non-discrimination of 49 people diagnosed with HIV between 1992 and 2003, and of the right to personal integrity of several family members - State's violation of its duty to provide available, accessible, and quality healthcare