Cuscul Pivaral et al. v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 359, 23/08/2018

State's violation of the rights to health, life, personal integrity, judicial process, and non-discrimination of 49 people diagnosed with HIV between 1992 and 2003, and of the right to personal integrity of several family members - State's violation of its duty to provide available, accessible, and quality healthcare 

Nedescu v. Romania, ECtHR, 70035/10, 16/01/2018

The case concerned the couple’s complaint that they had not been able to recover embryos that had been seized by the prosecuting authorities in 2009 and that they had been prevented from having another child - Violation of Article 8 (preventing the applicants from retrieving their embryos as ordered by the High Court of Cassation constituted an interference with their right to respect for their private life) 

V. R. P., V. P. C. et al. v. Nicaragua, IACtHR, Series C No. 350, 08/03/2018

In cases of violence against children and adolescents, States have a reinforced duty of due diligence requiring the adoption of special protection measures and the development of a procedure adapted to their needs - The State has conducted a revictimised investigation - State's failure to provide a multidisciplinary care and treatment to ensure the coordination of the different State agencies to protect children and adolescents

I.V. v. Bolivia, IACtHR, Series C No. 329, 30/11/2016

Forced sterilization of an immigrant woman from Peru during a caesarean section without her prior and informed consent - Court's recognition of the impact of gendered power relations on dignity, suffering, health and the enjoyment of women's sexual and reproductive rights - Discrimination in access to health affects women’s freedom to decide freely on their bodies and their reproductive health - Violation of the right to non-discrimination, to personal freedom and integrity, dignity, private and family life, access to information and founding a family

Dissenting / Concurring: Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot

162/2014, CC, 09/04/2014

Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Bar on heterologous medically assisted reproduction and fines to facilities performing it - Incompatibility with the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) private family establishing the right to respect for private and family life and the prohibition of discrimination

Csoma v. Romania, ECtHR, 8759/05, 15/01/2013

The applicant had her pregnancy terminated due to the fetus being diagnosed with hydrocephalus - Following complications from the treatment to induce abortion, her doctor had to remove her uterus and ovaries to save her life, leaving her permanently unable to bear children -  The Court concluded that the applicant's right to private life was infringed by not involving her in the choice of medical treatment or informing her of the risks, and the State failed to provide a system for redress, thus violating Article 8