27114, CSC, 06/10/2021

Right to conscious and responsible procreation and self-determination - Termination of pregnancy permissible only in cases provided for by law where there is a danger to pregnant woman’s health or life - The mere existence of malformations of the foetus not affecting woman’s life or health does not permit access to abortion

32/2021, CC, 28/01/2021

Status of child born (in Italy) through recourse to heterologous medically assisted reproduction (MAP), carried out by a female couple – Possibility of granting the status of child recognised also by the intentional mother, where the conditions for ‘‘adoption in special cases’’ are not fulfilled even though the courts have established that such recognition would be in the interests of the child

Manuela et al. v. El Salvador, IACtHR, Series C No. 441, 2/11/2021

Criminalization of an economically disadvantaged and illiterate woman living in a rural context having suffered obstetric emergency resulting in miscarriage - Arrest, detention during the proceedings and conviction for aggravated homicide to the detriment of her still-born child found by the police in her house - Violation of the right to freedom from arbitrary detention and to the presumption of innocence - Ineffective investigations based on gender stereotypes and preconceptions rather than concrete evidence related to the intersectional axes of discrimination concerning her gender, geogr

Dissenting / Concurring: Vio Grossi / Sierra Porto / Zaffaroni / Pérez Manrique

13881, CSC, 06/07/2020

Violation of women’s right to self-determination relating to termination of pregnancy – Compensation for so-called ‘damage from unwanted birth’ due to a doctor's error Requirements to perform therapeutic abortion – Failure to inform of possible foetus’ malformations

221/2019, CC, 18/06/2019

Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Ban on same-sex couples and penalties for non-compliance - Alleged infringement of the fundamental right to parenthood in same-sex couples, unequal treatment on the basis of sexual orientation and economic conditions, violation of maternity protection, human dignity and the right to health, as well as the right to respect for private and family life and the prohibition of discrimination provided for by the ECHR and other international sources