C-191/03, CJEU, 08/12/2005

Equal pay for men and women – Illness arising prior to maternity leave, pregnancy-related illness, person subject to the general sick-leave scheme – Effect on pay, absence offset against the maximum total number of days of paid sick leave over a specified period)

Judge Rapporteur: C. Gulmann

C‑220/02,CJEU, 08/06/2004

Principle of equal pay for men and women – Concept of pay – Taking into account, for calculation of termination payments, of periods of military service – Possibility of comparing workers performing military service with women workers who, after their maternity leave, take parental leave the duration of which is not taken into account for calculating a termination payment

Judge Rapporteur: J.-P. Puissochet

371/2003, CC, 17/12/2003

Maternity and childhood, working mothers who adopt - Right to maternity allowance in the case of international adoption - Entitlement during the three months following the entry of the adopted or fostered child, even if he or she is over six years of age - Manifestly unreasonable difference in treatment between employees and self-employed women

OC-18/03, Juridical Condition and Rights of Undocumented Migrants, IACtHR, Series A No. 18, 16/09/2003

Deprivation of the enjoyment and exercise of certain labour rights of migrant workers incompatible with obligation to respect and ensure the principles of legal equality, non-discrimination and the equal and effective protection of the law - Attention to all the areas of discriminatory human behaviour, including sexual orientation

Dissenting / Concurring: Cançado Trindade / García Ramírez / Hernán Salgado Pesantes / Abreu-Burelli