C‑335/15, CJEU, 14/07/2016

Measures to improve the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding — National law providing for an allowance for ordinary magistrates in respect of expenses which they incur in the performance of their professional functions — No entitlement for an ordinary magistrate to that allowance in the case of compulsory maternity leave taken prior to 1 January 2005

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C‑137/15, CJEU, 17/12/2015

Equal treatment of male and female workers, part-time workers, primarily female — National legislation providing for a maximum amount of unemployment benefit — Legislation referring, for the purposes of the calculation of that amount, to the relationship between the working hours of the part-time employees concerned and the working hours of full-time employees

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal

C‑401/11, CJEU, 11/04/2013

Transferor not less than 55 years old but not yet of normal retirement age at the time of transfer – Concept of ‘normal retirement age’, national legislation determining a retirement age which varies depending on the sex of the applicant and, for women, on the number of children raised – General principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: G. Arestis

C‑7/12, CJEU, 20/06/2013

Directive 76/207/EEC, equal treatment for male and female workers & Directive 96/34/EC – Framework Agreement on Parental Leave – Abolishment of officials’ posts due to national economic difficulties, assessment of a female worker who took parental leave as compared to workers who remained in active service – Dismissal at the end of parental leave, indirect discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C-147/08, CJEU, 10/05/2011

Occupational pension scheme in the form of a supplementary retirement pension for former employees of a local authority and their survivors – Method of calculating that pension favouring married recipients over those living in a registered life partnership – Discrimination based on sexual orientation

Judge Rapporteur: D. Šváby