C‑356/21, CJEU, 12/01/2023

Equal treatment in employment and occupation, conditions for access to self-employment, employment and working conditions – Prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation – Self-employed person working on the basis of a contract for specific work, termination and non-renewal of contract, freedom to choose a contracting party

Judge Rapporteur: M.L. Arastey Sahún

C-405/20, CJEU, 05/05/2022

Equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation – Directive 2006/54/EC, Article 5(c) and Article 12, prohibition of indirect discrimination on grounds of sex –National legislation providing for an annual adjustment of retirement pensions – Adjustment on a reducing scale depending on the amount of the retirement pension, with no adjustment at all above a certain amount

Judge Rapporteur: T. von Danwitz

C-625/20, CJEU, 30/06/2022

Equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security – Directive 79/7/EEC – Article 4(1) – Indirect discrimination on ground of sex – National legislation providing that two or more total occupational invalidity pensions acquired under the same statutory social security scheme are incompatible – Finding of indirect discrimination on the basis of statistical data, determination of the affected groups to be compared

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal

C‑2/21, CJEU, 24/06/2022

Birth certificate issued by the Member State of birth of the child and designating two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to transcribe that birth certificate into the national register of civil status – Transcription of that certificate being a prerequisite for the issuing of identity documents, national legislation of that Member State of origin not recognising the parenthood of persons of the same sex

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

C-262/21 PPU, CJEU, 02/08/2021

Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility – Application for return of a child of a young age whose parents have joint custody – Transfer of the child and his mother to the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III))

Judge Rapporteur: M. J.–C. Bonichot

C-490/20, CJEU, 14/12/2021

Birth certificate issued by that Member State mentioning two mothers in respect of that child – Refusal by the Member State of origin of one of those two mothers to issue a birth certificate for the child in the absence of information as to the identity of the child’s biological mother – Persons of the same sex not recognised as parents under the national legislation of that Member State of origin

Judge Rapporteur: M. Ilešič

C-843/19, CJEU, 21/01/2021

Social policy, equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security – Directive 79/7/EEC – Article 4(1), Voluntary early retirement, Early retirement pension, Requirement for the pension amount to be received to be at least as much as the legal minimum amount – Proportion of workers of each sex excluded from the benefit of early retirement, justification of a potential particular disadvantage to female workers

Judge Rapporteur: F. Biltgen

C‑258/17, CJEU, 15/01/2019

Attempted act of same-sex indecency committed by a civil servant on male minors — Disciplinary sanction adopted in 1975, compulsory early retirement accompanied by a reduction in the pension entitlement — Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, effects of the application of Directive 2000/78/EC on the disciplinary sanction, calculation of the retirement pension paid

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C‑274/18, CJEU, 03/10/2019

Less favourable treatment of part-time workers compared to full-time workers as regards their conditions of employment – National legislation fixing a maximum duration of fixed-term employment that is longer for part-time workers than for fulltime workers – Equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, concept of ‘indirect discrimination’ on grounds of sex 

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal