C-451/16, CJEU, 26/06/2018

Conditions for recognition of change of gender — National legislation under which such recognition is subject to the annulment of any marriage entered into before that change of gender — Refusal to grant a person who has changed gender a State retirement pension as from the pensionable age for persons of the gender acquired

Judge Rapporteur: T. von Danwitz

C‑142/17 and C‑143/17, CJEU, 07/02/2018

Social policy, equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation —National rules providing for the temporary possibility for performing artists having reached retirement age to continue to perform until the age previously laid down for entitlement to a pension, fixed at 47 years old for women and 52 years old for men

Judge Rapporteur: M. Berger

C‑41/17, CJEU, 19/09/2018

Directive 92/85/EEC, Articles 4, 5 and 7, protection of the safety and health of workers, worker who is breastfeeding, night work, shift work performed in part at night — Risk assessment of her work, prevention measures, challenge by the worker concerned — Discrimination on grounds of sex

Judge Rapporteur: F. Biltgen

C‑473/16, CJEU, 25/01/2018

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, article 7, respect for private and family life — Directive 2011/95/EU, standards for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status, fear of persecution on grounds of sexual orientation — Assessment of facts and circumstances, recourse to an expert’s report, psychological tests

Judge Rapporteur: L. Bay Larsen

C‑335/15, CJEU, 14/07/2016

Measures to improve the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding — National law providing for an allowance for ordinary magistrates in respect of expenses which they incur in the performance of their professional functions — No entitlement for an ordinary magistrate to that allowance in the case of compulsory maternity leave taken prior to 1 January 2005

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C-528/13, CJEU, 29/04/2015

Technical requirements relating to blood and blood components, blood donation — Eligibility criteria for blood donors, persons whose sexual behaviour puts them at a high risk of acquiring severe infectious diseases that can be transmitted by blood — Man who has had sexual relations with another man

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

C‑137/15, CJEU, 17/12/2015

Equal treatment of male and female workers, part-time workers, primarily female — National legislation providing for a maximum amount of unemployment benefit — Legislation referring, for the purposes of the calculation of that amount, to the relationship between the working hours of the part-time employees concerned and the working hours of full-time employees

Judge Rapporteur: A. Prechal

C‑148/13, C‑149/13 and C‑150/13, CJEU, 02/12/2014

Minimum standards for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status — Fear of persecution on grounds of sexual orientation — Differences between, on the one hand, the limitations that apply to the verification of statements and documentary or other evidence as regards the declared sexual orientation of an applicant for asylum and, on the other hand, those that apply to the verification of those elements as regards other grounds for persecution

Judge Rapporteur: L. Bay Larsen