Ríos et and Others v. Venezuela, IACtHR, Series C No. 194, 28/01/2009
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2009

Harassment, persecution, physical and verbal attacks against people linked to a television channel, including women targeted because of their gender – Intimidating statements made by government officials in a context of high social polarization and conflict – Violation of the right to freedom of expression and to effective investigations

Dissenting / Concurring: Paceri Scaramuzza

Cengiz Kılıç v. Turkey, ECtHR, 16192/06, 06/12/2011
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2009

Inability of a father to exercise his contact rights in relation to his son during the course of divorce proceedings - Violation of Article 8 (Respect for family life) 

K.H. and Others v. Slovakia, ECtHR, 32881/04, 28/04/2009
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2009

Former patients prevented from photocopying their medical records - Applicants’ inability to effectively present their case due to authorities’ refusal to grant them access to decisive evidence - Violation of Article 8 (Respect for family life/Respect for private life) and 6 (Access to court)

Dissenting / Concurring: Ján Šikuta

Zaunegger v. Germany, ECtHR, 22028/04, 03/12/2009
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2009

Violation of Article 14 (discrimination) - Inability of father of a child born out of wedlock to obtain joint custody without the mother’s consent - The applicant had been treated differently from mothers or from married or divorced fathers in that he had required his former partner's consent to joint custody

Dissenting / Concurring: Bertram Schmitt

C-506/06, CJEU, 26/02/2008
Court: Court of Justice of the European Union
 | 2008

Directive 92/85/EEC, Measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding – Meaning of ‘pregnant worker’; prohibition of dismissal of pregnant workers during the period from the beginning of their pregnancy to the end of the maternity leave − Woman dismissed where, at the date she was given notice of her dismissal, her ova had been fertilised in vitro, but not yet transferred to her uterus

Judge Rapporteur: A. Ó Caoimh

E.B. v. France, ECtHR, 43546/02, 22/1/2008 [GC]
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2008

Refusal to grant approval for the purposes of adoption, on the ground of the applicant’s lifestyle as a lesbian living with another woman - The Court considered that the reference to the applicant's homosexuality had been, if not explicit, at least implicit, and that the influence of the applicant’s avowed homosexuality on the assessment of her application had been established and, having regard to the foregoing, had been a decisive factor in the decision to refuse her authorisation to adopt - The domestic authorities had made a distinction based on considerations regarding her sexual orientation, a distinction that was unacceptable under the Convention

Dissenting / Concurring: Jean-Paul Costa, Riza Türmen, Mindia Ugrekhelidze, Danutė Jočienė, Boštjan Zupančič, Loukis Loucaides, Antonella Mularoni / Peer Lorenzen, Sverre Erik Jebens

Moretti and Benedetti v. Italy, ECtHR, 16318/07, 27/04/2010
Court: European Court of Human Rights
 | 2008

Failure to examine request for adoption by foster parents before declaring child free for adoption - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations/Respect for family life)

C-460/06, CJEU, 11/10/2007
Court: Court of Justice of the European Union
 | 2007

Protection of pregnant women, Directive 92/85/EEC, Article 10, Prohibition on dismissal from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of maternity leave − Period of protection, decision to dismiss a female worker during that period of protection; notification and implementation of the decision to dismiss after the expiry of that period − Equal treatment for male and female workers

Judge Rapporteur: A. Ó Caoimh

Cantoral-Huamaní and García-Santa Cruz v. Peru, IACtHR, Series C No. 167, 10/06/2007
Court: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
 | 2007

Execution of the female founder of a women's organization in a mining community providing support to the families of miners during a strike, as an attempt to intimidate miners into non unionizing – Violation of the right to life, to humane treatment, to personal liberty, and to freedom of association

Dissenting / Concurring: Ventura Robles

253/2006, CC, 21/06/2006
Court: Corte Costituzionale
 | 2006

Right to sexual orientation and identity - Anti-discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity rules - Measures regarding employment and social integration for persons who suffer discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity