Gözüm v. Turkey, ECtHR, 4789/10, 20/01/2015

Inability under Turkish law for adoptive mother to have her forename recorded on child’s identity papers in place of the biological mother’s forename - Violation of Article 8 (Positive obligations)

C‑7/12, CJEU, 20/06/2013

Directive 76/207/EEC, equal treatment for male and female workers & Directive 96/34/EC – Framework Agreement on Parental Leave – Abolishment of officials’ posts due to national economic difficulties, assessment of a female worker who took parental leave as compared to workers who remained in active service – Dismissal at the end of parental leave, indirect discrimination

Judge Rapporteur: M. Safjan

151/2009, CC, 01/04/2009

Medically Assisted Procreation - Possibility of an implantation of up to a maximum of three embryos - The cryopreservation of the embryos is permitted only if the transfer of the embryos into the uterus is not possible due to serious and documented reasons of force majeure relating to the health of the woman which were not foreseeable at the time of fertilisation 

425/2005, CC, 16/11/2005

Adoption – Adopted person’s access to information concerning his or her origins – Access to the identity of the biological mother having declared at birth she did not wish to disclose her identity