A, B and C v. Ireland, ECtHR, 25579/05, 16/12/2010 [GC]

The complaint by three women that the restrictions on abortion in Ireland stigmatised and humiliated them, risked damaging their health, and, in the third applicant’s case, even her life - violation of Article 8 (right to private and family life) in respect of the third applicant

Dissenting / Concurring: Christos Rozakis, Françoise Tulkens, Elisabet Fura, Päivi Hirvelä,Giorgio Malinverni, Mihai Poalelungi / Luis López Guerra, Josep Casadevall, Mary Finlay Geoghegan

Las Dos Erres Massacre v. Guatemala, IACtHR, Series C No. 211, 24/11/2009

Rape and forced abortion by inhuman treatment of women and girls in the context of the extrajudicial execution of 251 members of the Las Dos Erres community by the Guatemalan armed forces - Ineffective investigations - Violation of the right to dignity and of the duty to investigate, prevent and punish acts of violence against women

Judge Rapporteur: Sexual violence, forced abortion, ill-treatment discrimination against women, intersectionality

Dissenting / Concurring: Cadena Rámila

35/1997, CC, 30/01/1997

Referendum on the voluntary termination of pregnancy – Abortion legalization with the repeal of currently provided for administrative and judicial procedures and controls, as well as the related incriminatory offences