Year 2018

O’Connell C and Zampas C, ‘The Human Rights Impact of Gender Stereotyping in the Context of Reproductive Health Care’ (2018) 144(1) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 116

Year 2018

Schwöbel-Patel C, ‘The “Ideal” Victim of International Criminal Law’ (2018) 29 European Journal of International Law 703

Year 2018

DeLaet DL, ‘Lost in Legation: The Gap between Rhetoric and Reality in International Human Rights Law Governing Women’s Rights’ (2018) 8(3) Global Discourse 387

Year 2018

Otto D (ed), Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks (Routledge 2018)

Year 2018

Peroni L, ‘The Protection of Women Asylum Seekers under the European Convention on Human Rights: Unearthing the Gendered Roots of Harm’ (2018) 18 Human Rights Law Review 347

Year 2017

Martín González M and Ocejo Álvarez E, Enfoque de género en la actuación letrada. Guía práctica para la abogacía (Fundación Abogacía Española 2017)

Year 2017

Avolio V, ‘Rewriting Reproductive Rights: Applying Feminist Methodology to the European Court of Human Rights' Abortion Jurisprudence’ (2017) 6(2) Feminists@law 1

Year 2016

Marinucci M, Feminism Is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory (Second Edition, Zed Books 2016)

Year 2016

Pozzolo S, ‘Gestazione per altri (ed altre). Spunti per un dibattito in (una) prospettiva femminista’ (2016) 2 BioLaw Journal 93

Year 2016

Poli L, ‘Gestazione per altri e stepchild adoption: gli errori del legislatore italiano alla luce del diritto internazionale’ (2016) 3 Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo 1

Year 2016

Poli L, ‘Gestazione per altri e stepchild adoption: gli errori del legislatore italiano alla luce del diritto internazionale’ (2016) 3 Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo 1

Year 2016

Carpenter M, ‘The Human Rights of Intersex People: Addressing Harmful Practices and Rhetoric of Change’ (2016) 24 Reproductive Health Matters 74

Year 2016

Brems E and Timmer A (eds), Stereotypes and Human Rights Law (Cambridge University Press 2016)

Year 2016

Brglez M, Novak S and Tkalec, S, ‘Stereotyping and Human Rights Law: An (Un)conventional Approach of the European Court of Human Rights (2016) 53(5) Teorija in Praksa 1124

Year 2016

Ammaturo FR, ‘Intersexuality and the “Right to Bodily Integrity”: Critical Reflections on Female Genital Cutting, Circumcision, and Intersex “Normalizing Surgeries” in Europe’ (2016) 25 Social & Legal Studies 591

Year 2015

Osella S, ‘“Harmonic Bodies”: Intersex Persons, Corrective Treatments, and Gender Violence in Italian Law. A Research Proposal’ in Anna Lorenzetti and Maria Federica Moscati (eds), LGBTI Persons and Access to Justice (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2015)

Year 2015

Symons J and Altman D, ‘International Norm Polarization: Sexuality as a Subject of Human Rights Protection’ (2015) 7(1) International Theory 61

Year 2015

Rubio-Marín R, 'The (dis)establishment of Gender: Care and Gender Roles in the Family as a Constitutional Matter' (2015) 13(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 787

Year 2015

Davis G, Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis (New York University Press 2015)