Year 2024

Gilleri G, ‘L’orientamento sessuale in X c. Polonia: l’eteronomatività tra discriminazione e stereotipi di genere’ 18 (2024) 18 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 187-206

Year 2020

Simm G, ‘Queering CEDAW? Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in International Human Rights Law’ (2020) 29 Griffith Law Review 374

Year 2019

Fausto-Sterling A, ‘Gender/Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Identity Are in the Body: How Did They Get There?’ (2019) 56 The Journal of Sex Research 529

Year 2019

Ammaturo FR, ‘The Council of Europe and the Creation of LGBT Identities through Language and Discourse: A Critical Analysis of Case Law and Institutional Practices’ (2019) 23 International Journal of Human Rights 575 

Year 2015

Symons J and Altman D, ‘International Norm Polarization: Sexuality as a Subject of Human Rights Protection’ (2015) 7(1) International Theory 61

Year 2014

Johnson PR, Homosexuality and the European Court of Human Rights (Routledge 2014)

Year 2014

Otto D, ‘Between Pleasure and Danger: Lesbian Human Rights’ (2014) 6 European Human Rights Law Review 618

Year 2007

Gross A, ‘Queer Theory and International Human Rights Law: Does Each Person Have a Sexual Orientation?’ (2007) 101 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 129

Year 1997

Wintemute R, ‘Recognising New Kinds of Direct Sex Discrimination: Transsexualism, Sexual Orientation and Dress Codes’ (1997) 60 Modern Law Review 334

Year 1995

Otto D, ‘Lesbians? Not in My Country: Sexual Orientation at the Beijing World Conference on Women’ (1995) 20 Alternative Law Journal 288

Year 1995

Valdes F, ‘Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of “Sex,” “Gender,” and “Sexual Orientation” in Euro-American Law and Society’ (1995) 83 California Law Review 3

Year 1980

Rich A, ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence’ (1980) 5 Signs 631