Year 2024

Queiroz BM, ‘Who Fits the Stereotype?: Gender Discrimination within the ECHR’ (2024) Universidade Católica Portuguesa CGSL Working Papers No. 3/2023

Year 2024

Gilleri G, ‘L’orientamento sessuale in X c. Polonia: l’eteronomatività tra discriminazione e stereotipi di genere’ 18 (2024) 18 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 187-206

Year 2024

Gilleri G, ‘Women, and All of Us: Article 5(a) CEDAW as a Protection for All Gendered Individuals’ (2024) 15(2) European Journal of Legal Studies 137

Year 2023

Poli L ‘Female Reproduction and Sexuality: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Women’s Rights in International Jurisprudence’ in Krstić I, Evola M and Ribes Moreno MI (eds) Legal Issues of International Law from a Gender Perspective: Gender Perspectives in Law, vol 3. (Springer, 2023)

Year 2023

Renzulli I, ‘Discrimination and Gender Stereotypes in Judicial Decisions: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in light of J.L. v. Italy – A Retreat into the Shadows?’ (2023) 41 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 155

Year 2021

Alkiviadou N and Manoli A, ‘The European Court of Human Rights through the Looking Glass of Gender: An Evaluation’ (2021) 11 Goettingen Journal of International Law 191

Year 2020

Fuley T, ‘Discrimination as a Consequence of the Influence of Gender Stereotypes on the Reasoning of a Court Decision’ (2020) Slovo of the National School of Judges of Ukraine 27

Year 2018

O’Connell C and Zampas C, ‘The Human Rights Impact of Gender Stereotyping in the Context of Reproductive Health Care’ (2018) 144(1) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 116

Year 2018

Schwöbel-Patel C, ‘The “Ideal” Victim of International Criminal Law’ (2018) 29 European Journal of International Law 703

Year 2016

Brems E and Timmer A (eds), Stereotypes and Human Rights Law (Cambridge University Press 2016)

Year 2016

Brglez M, Novak S and Tkalec, S, ‘Stereotyping and Human Rights Law: An (Un)conventional Approach of the European Court of Human Rights (2016) 53(5) Teorija in Praksa 1124

Year 2015

Rubio-Marín R, 'The (dis)establishment of Gender: Care and Gender Roles in the Family as a Constitutional Matter' (2015) 13(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law 787

Year 2014

Stark B, ‘State Responsibility for Gender Stereotyping’ (2014) 17 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 333

Year 2011

Timmer A, ‘Toward an Anti-Stereotyping Approach for the European Court of Human Rights’ (2011) 11 Human Rights Law Review 707

Year 2011

Cusack S and Cook RJ, Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives (University of Pennsylvania Press 2011)

Year 2011

Cusack S and Timmer A, ‘Gender Stereotyping in Rape Cases: The CEDAW Committee’s Decision in Vertido v The Philippines’ (2011) 11 Human Rights Law Review 329

Year 2000

Appiah KA, ‘Stereotypes and the Shaping of Identity’ (2000) 88 California Law Review 41