Year 2006

Ben-Asher N, ‘The Necessity of Sex Change A Struggle for Intersex and Transsex Liberties’ (2006) 29 Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 51

Year 2006

Ehrlich S, ‘Trial Discourse and Judicial Decision-Making: Constraining the Boundaries of Gendered Identities’ in Judith Baxter (ed), Speaking Out (Palgrave Macmillan 2006)

Year 2006

Dreger A and Sytsma SE, ‘Intersex and Human Rights: The Long View’, Ethics and Intersex (Springer 2006)

Year 2006

Sharma J, ‘Reflections on the Language of Rights from a Queer Perspective’ (2006) 37 IDS Bulletin 52

Year 2005

Buss D and Manji AS (eds), International Law: Modern Feminist Approaches (Hart 2005)

Year 2005

Conley JM and O’Barr WM, Just words: law, language, power (2nd ed) (University Chicago Press 2005)

Year 2005

Dreger and others, ‘Changing the Nomenclature/Taxonomy for Intersex: A Scientific and Clinical Rationale’ (2005) 18 Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 729

Year 2004

Liao L-M and Creighton S, ‘Changing Attitudes to Sex Assignment in Intersex’ (2004) 93 BJU International 659

Year 2004

Thomas DFM, ‘Gender Assignment: Background and Current Controversies’ (2004) 93 BJU International 47

Year 2004

Liao L-M and Creighton S, ‘Changing Attitudes to Sex Assignment in Intersex’ (2004) 93 BJU international 659

Year 2004

Cotterill J, ‘Collocation, connotation, and courtroom semantics: lawyers’ control of witness testimony through lexical negotiation’ (2004) Applied Linguistics 25(4) 513

Year 2003

Cotterill J, Language and Power in Court. A Linguistic Analysis of the O.J. Simpson Trial (Palgrave Macmillan 2003)

Year 2002

Allen S, ‘Male Victims of Rape: Responses to a Perceived Threat to Masculinity C. Hoyle and R. Young’ in Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young (eds), New Visions of Crime Victims (Hart 2002)

Year 2002

de Carvalho Figueiredo D, ‘Discipline and Punishment in the Discourse of Legal Decisions on Rape Trials’ in Janet Cotterill (ed) Language in the Legal Process (Palgrave Macmillan 2002)

Year 2001

Cotterill J, ‘Domestic discord, rocky relationships: semantic prosodies in representations of marital violence in the O.J. Simpson trial’ (2001) Discourse & Society 12(3) 291

Year 2000

Appiah KA, ‘Stereotypes and the Shaping of Identity’ (2000) 88 California Law Review 41

Year 1999

Greenberg JA, ‘Defining Male and Female: Intersexuality and the Collision between Law and Biology’ (1999) 41 Arizona Law Review 265