Year 2007

Cotterill J (ed), The Language of Sexual Crime (Palgrave Macmillan 2007)

Year 2002

Allen S, ‘Male Victims of Rape: Responses to a Perceived Threat to Masculinity C. Hoyle and R. Young’ in Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young (eds), New Visions of Crime Victims (Hart 2002)

Year 2002

de Carvalho Figueiredo D, ‘Discipline and Punishment in the Discourse of Legal Decisions on Rape Trials’ in Janet Cotterill (ed) Language in the Legal Process (Palgrave Macmillan 2002)

Year 2001

Cotterill J, ‘Domestic discord, rocky relationships: semantic prosodies in representations of marital violence in the O.J. Simpson trial’ (2001) Discourse & Society 12(3) 291

Year 1994

Coates L, Bavelas JB and Gibson J, ‘Anomalous language in sexual assault trial judgments’ (1994) Discourse & Society  5(2) 189