13729, CSC, 22/11/2018

Sexual violence and sexual acts with a minor – Regarding sexual violence, the attenuating circumstance of the lesser seriousness of the act cannot be excluded by the mere consideration of the repetition of the illicit conduct by the defendant

Servellón-García et al. v. Honduras, IACtHR, Series C No. 152, 21/9/2006

Extrajudicial killing of four men, including two minors - Violation of the right to life, to humane treatment, to personal liberty, to a fair trial, to judicial protection, and, as regards the two minors, the rights of the child - Court's order to make institutional and social reforms, including designing a public awareness campaign to protect children from violence and creating mechanisms to ensure due process in cases of child executions

Dissenting / Concurring: Cançado Trindade